Piercing is a fun way to express your personality. Many people like to do this body artwork. They are usually piercing their body in order to show their unique characteristic. However, first piercing experience may lead you to irritation and other infection on your body. Here are some methods to help you heal ear piercing.
The best way to heal your infection is using sea salt or Epsom salt. It is not suggested to utilize table salt because it is usually contains of iodine that will hurt your infection. First of all, mix about 1/8 teaspoon of salt with warm water. Then, put the solution into a small glass. After that, hold the glass to your ear and soak it for 5 minutes. Let it dry naturally.
Gauging Ears
Alternatively, besides soak your ear, you can use cotton ball. Dip the cotton ball on the mixture and put it on your ear. Leave it until the water cooled. Give gentle pressure with the cotton while you cleaning your irritation. This movement helps you to get rid of any liquid inside the irritated areas. Apply this treatment at least twice and not more than four times a day.
Keep in mind not to apply this cure more than what it is suggested. You have to use salt that it recommended and follow the guide properly. Do not apply more than what it suggested because the excessive solution may lead to worse infection. Moreover, do not add the salt portion because it makes the situation worse and give burning as well as terrible irritation.
Basically, irritation and infection in the first ear piercing due to unsterilized the process or incorrect care or maybe you play the earring with unclean hand. So, you should avoid that way to keep your piercing away from irritation. The most excellent way is only go to the professional piercer who provides all proper equipments for your piercing. So, you can prevent the irritation or infection after get pierced.
The Best Way to Heal Ear Piercings
Learn more about snake bite piercing. Stop by my site where you can find out all about spider bites piercing and what it can do for you.
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