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I once came up with a metaphor I thought perfectly captured the sheer mass of material my classmates and I were expected to memorize in our first two years of medical school: it was like being asked to enter a grocery store and memorize the names of every product in the store, their number and location, every ingredient in every product in the order in which they appear on the food label, and then to do the same thing in every grocery store in the city.
When I look back now I can't imagine how any of us were able to do it. And yet we did. The mind's capacity to store and recall information is truly wondrous. Since I attended medical school we've learned a lot about memory and learning. Though much of what follows are techniques I used to survive my first two years of medical school, much of the science that proves they work is new.
1. Become interested in what you're learning. We're all better remembering what interests us. Few people, for example, have a difficult time remembering the names of people they find attractive. If you're not intrinsically interested in what you're learning or trying to remember, you must find a way to become so. I have to admit I wasn't so good at this in medical school. The Krebs cycle (link provided only to prove how immensely boring it is) just didn't excite me or relate to anything I found even remotely exciting (though I made myself learn it anyway).
2. Find a way to leverage your visual memory. You'll be astounded by how much more this will enable you to remember. For example, imagine you're at a party and are introduced to five people in quick succession. How can you quickly memorize their names? Pick out a single defining visual characteristic of each person and connect it to a visual representation of their name, preferably through an action of some kind. For example, you can remember Mike who has large ears by creating a mental picture of a microphone (a "mike") clearing those big ears of wax (gross, I know---sorry---but all the more effective because of it).
It requires mental effort to do this, but if you practice you'll be surprised how quickly you can come up with creative ways to create these images. Here's another example: how often do you forget where you left your keys, your sunglasses, or your wallet? The next time you put something down somewhere, pause a moment to notice where you've placed it, and then in your mind blow it up. If you visualize the explosion in enough detail, you won't forget where you put it. Remember: memory is predominantly visual (unfortunately, I can't think of a good image to help you remember this fact right at this moment).
3. Create a mental memory tree. If you're trying to memorize a large number of facts, find a way to relate them in your mind visually with a memory tree. Construct big branches first, then leaves. Branches and leaves should carry labels that are personally meaningful to you in some way, and the organization of the facts ("leaves") should be logical. It's been well recognized since the 1950's we remember "bits" of information better if we chunk them. For example, it's easier to remember 467890 as "467" and "890" than as six individual digits.
4. Associate what you're trying to learn with what you already know. It seems the more mental connections we have to a piece of information, the more successful we'll be in remembering it. This is why using mnemonics actually improves recall.
5. Write out items to be memorized over and over and over. Among other things, this is how I learned the names of bacteria, what infections they cause, and what antibiotics treat them. Writing out facts in lists improves recall if you make yourself learn the lists actively instead of passively. In other words, don't just copy the list of facts you're trying to learn but actively recall each item you wish to learn and then write it down again and again and again. In doing this, you are, in effect, teaching yourself what you're trying to learn (and as all teachers know, the best way to ensure you know something is to have to teach it). This method has the added benefit of immediately showing you exactly which facts haven't made it into your long-term memory so you can focus more attention on learning them rather than wasting time reinforcing facts you already know.
6. When reading for retention, summarize each paragraph in the margin. This requires you to think about what you're reading, recycle it, and teach it to yourself again. Even take the concepts you're learning and reason forward with them; apply them to imagined novel situations, which creates more neural connections to reinforce the memory.
7. Do most of your studying in the afternoon. Though you may identify yourself as a "morning person" or "evening person" at least one study suggests your ability to memorize isn't influenced as much by what time of day you perceive yourself to be most alert but by the time of day you actually study---afternoon appearing to be the best.
8. Get adequate sleep to consolidate and retain memories. Not just at night after you've studied but the day before you study as well. Far better to do this than stay up cramming all night for an exam.
One of the most common complaints I hear in clinical practice concerns worry over memory loss. Unfortunately, as a normal part of the aging process, many people start to find they can't bring to mind names, places, and things as easily as they used to be able to do and worry they're facing the beginning of dementia. "Benign forgetfulness" is the name we give to a process that occurs with normal aging in which a memory remains intact but our ability to retrieve it becomes temporarily impaired. Usually we try to describe the name or thing we can't recall and when someone names it for us we instantly remember the word we wanted.
As long as this is age-appropriate and doesn't significantly interfere with normal functioning, there is no increased risk for progression to dementia. However, the trick lies in assessing what is and isn't "age-appropriate." Formal testing is sometimes necessary in ambiguous cases. Reassuringly, in one study, patients over the age of 50 who initially presented with what was considered to be benign forgetfulness had only a 9% chance of progressing to dementia. Unfortunately, cognitive impairments other than memory loss are correlated with a higher risk of progression to dementia.
Another reason people often have trouble remembering things is because memory is a function of concentration. Which means when you multi-task you tend to forget more easily. Have you ever entered a room only to forget why you did so? More likely you'd remember if you weren't simultaneously planning your dinner for that night and trying to remember the phone number of the person who just left you a message. This also explains why people who suffer from depression or anxiety have a harder time remembering things: both conditions interfere substantially with the ability to concentrate. The strength of a memory is also determined by the emotional state that accompanied the original event. Emotion, negative or positive, tends to embed events in our memory like a chisel carves lines in stone. A double-edged sword for people suffering from PTSD.
Here are three things you can do that have been shown in studies to decrease the risk of mental deterioration as you age:
1. Exercise your body. Evidence suggests this not only retards normal age-related memory deterioration but reduces the risk of developing dementia. It doesn't even have to be vigorous exercise. Just 150 minutes of walking per week has been shown to be of benefit. Whether more intense exercise results in a greater risk reduction remains unknown.
2. Exercise your mind. Evidence also suggests that doing things that work the mind may delay or prevent memory loss. This research is just in its infancy, so here's as good a guide as any to figuring out what activities will work: if an activity requires you to take breaks, it probably qualifies. We can watch television, for example, for hours on end without becoming mentally fatigued, but solving math problems, learning to knit, or even reading all require effort that tires the mind.
3. Take ibuprofen. Though one study suggests a daily dose of ibuprofen decreases the risk of developing dementia, the risk reduction appears too modest to justify the increased risk of stomach bleeding that accompanies ibuprofen's daily use and I do NOT recommend this. However, if you're already taking ibuprofen for some other condition, like arthritis, here might be an added benefit.
If the mind is indeed like a muscle (and research is validating that model more and more) then memory may very well be like muscle tone: the more the mind is used, the more robust memory may become. As I've moved on from my medical school days to reach early (very early) middle age, I've found myself experiencing benign forgetfulness far more than I like. As a result, I find myself comforted that the old adage "use it or lose it" is seeming more and more not just to apply to the body but to the mind as well.
How to Remember Things
Please visit Dr. Lickerman's blog at to read other articles about achieving health and happiness. He can be reached at
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You have been chasing this account for six months and feeling optimistic as the buying process is coming to a conclusion. The sale is between you and two other firms. The competition is fierce, but you feel you are ahead. At 11am, the Procurement Agent asks for three references to be provided to her by the end of the day. In a panic, you send a company-wide email in search of these referenceable clients. At 4:58pm, you get the three references from your colleagues and quickly send them out to the Procurement Agent. Whew! Mission accomplished! They wanted three references and you got it done. And so did everyone else. You see the finish line, forgetting that many a sales person has fallen one step short of winning.
This scenario plays out in companies every day across the country. It doesn't matter if the company is big or small, nor does it matter the type of industry. The request for references is a standard part of any buying process. However, few sales people use the reference stage of the process to their strategic advantage. They simply desire to provide a quick response to the prospect with their requested references. In the mind of the sales person, the speed of the response communicates supplier performance. While somewhat true, the discussions the prospect will have with the references carries more weight in the selection decision than the speed of the response from the potential supplier.
When I talk to sales people, one of their most common gripes is that they are selling a product that is viewed as a commodity in the marketplace. They cite "price" as their biggest bugaboo. Right behind that they lament about their inability to differentiate their product. (The truth is that price and differentiation are directly related, but that is a topic for another article.) When I ask sales people if they would like to learn of an easy way to get a competitive edge, they are all ears. After I share with them that they have the ability to differentiate themselves through managing the reference selection process, they look at me in shock as they can't believe they have been missing this opportunity. Then the stories start to come out. "Yeah, I lost a deal because they called the reference and we had just screwed up their order. I should have checked before I used them" The stories just continue from there.
But why do prospects ask for references? Webster's defines "reference" as someone who can make a statement about a person's qualifications, character, and dependability. Interestingly, there is a perception disconnect on references between sales people and prospects. When I talk to sales people, I usually hear that references are just a standard part of due diligence. Some use the term "rubber stamp" of an award. However, when I talk to buyers, I hear a very different message. Many buyers look at the reference step of the buying process as their opportunity to validate the message that they have been hearing from the potential supplier. In essence, prospects are searching to ascertain whether a supplier can deliver on the promises made during the buying process. Can the supplier really handle this size account? Are they really that fast? Or that accurate? Is the service as good as they described?
In many cases, the change of provider carries with it the ownership of the supplier's performance. If the new supplier does not perform to the expectations that have been represented, there is risk for those who selected it. Heads will roll! Sometimes, prospects ask the same questions of the reference that they asked of the sales person to see if there is a difference in response. Other times, they ask specific questions relative to their needs that may not have been shared with the sales person. For the prospect, this is their most critical evaluation step of a supplier's expected performance.
It is the little things that winning sales people do that makes them winners. So, if all of the competing sales people are going to provide "good" references, can you provide the "best" references? You most certainly can! However, there is a process to do so as "best" is different for each prospect."
The first step is a conversation with the Procurement Agent. "I received your request for references and I'm happy to provide them. So that I can provide you with the references that best support your initiative, what are you hoping to learn from our clients?" If you can gather that information from the Procurement Agent (don't say it can't be done until you try it), you have the roadmap to identifying references. Even if they can't or won't provide you with this information, you have at least shown that you care. And "care" can be the differentiator that pushes you across the finish line. All is not lost if you can't get that information either.
Going forward by taking a step back, think about the account and what is important to them. Reflect on what was learned during the needs analysis discussions. Thinking about that, imagine a different approach to responding to the request for references. If they were concerned about implementation, you provide an account that your company recently implemented. Perhaps, the decision is being made by a CFO, and you provide a reference of a CFO from one of your clients that can speak to your performance. For the third reference, you provide a client that is purchasing the same amount of the same product. From the prospect's perspective, how great is the opportunity to speak to three clients who can relate to their needs. They are able to gather the information they desire from someone with whom they share something in common. They feel confident in their ability to perform due diligence on their potential supplier. They can make an informed decision.
To take it a step further, imagine rather than simply sending the contact names and phone numbers to that Procurement Agent, you provide a brief narrative explaining to what each client was serving as a reference. How many sales people are doing that?
Still raising the bar, imagine contacting each of the three references and informing them that a call was coming their way to discuss your performance as a supplier. During that call, you share that this prospect is calling to discuss particular areas of the business. Thus, when the prospect calls the reference, the reference is expecting the call and is prepared for the conversation. What a great experience for your prospect and your client. Keep in mind, one great way to burn a relationship with a happy client is to surprise them with a reference phone call. No one likes to be blind-sided or unprepared. I've seen more than a few opportunities lost where the prospect cited the reference experience as the deciding factor. An unprepared reference reflects negatively on the supplier.
In a competitive marketplace, every opportunity that you have to demonstrate value to a prospect is critical. Leveraging the reference step of the process can give you just that little edge that pushes you over the top.
The Most Underutilized Strategic Advantage
Lee B. Salz is President of Sales Dodo and author of "Soar Despite Your Dodo Sales Manager." He founded Sales Dodo with the fundamental purpose of helping companies remain competitive in the ever-changing business world. Adapt and Thrive! Those who fail to adapt become extinct, just like the dodo bird of ages ago. Many laugh at the use of the word "dodo," but there is nothing funny about a business losing its competitive edge due to unmanaged change.
Salz has spent over 15 years helping companies adapt and thrive. He has successfully differentiated seemingly commoditized products and services in a wide array of industries resulting in record revenues and profits for companies ranging from Fortune 1000 to small start-up ventures.
Lee is active in the speaking circuit sharing his message of adapt and thrive with business executives and salespeople. He can be reached at or via his website at for sales consulting, speaking, or training.
Piercing is a fun way to express your personality. Many people like to do this body artwork. They are usually piercing their body in order to show their unique characteristic. However, first piercing experience may lead you to irritation and other infection on your body. Here are some methods to help you heal ear piercing.
The best way to heal your infection is using sea salt or Epsom salt. It is not suggested to utilize table salt because it is usually contains of iodine that will hurt your infection. First of all, mix about 1/8 teaspoon of salt with warm water. Then, put the solution into a small glass. After that, hold the glass to your ear and soak it for 5 minutes. Let it dry naturally.
Alternatively, besides soak your ear, you can use cotton ball. Dip the cotton ball on the mixture and put it on your ear. Leave it until the water cooled. Give gentle pressure with the cotton while you cleaning your irritation. This movement helps you to get rid of any liquid inside the irritated areas. Apply this treatment at least twice and not more than four times a day.
Keep in mind not to apply this cure more than what it is suggested. You have to use salt that it recommended and follow the guide properly. Do not apply more than what it suggested because the excessive solution may lead to worse infection. Moreover, do not add the salt portion because it makes the situation worse and give burning as well as terrible irritation.
Basically, irritation and infection in the first ear piercing due to unsterilized the process or incorrect care or maybe you play the earring with unclean hand. So, you should avoid that way to keep your piercing away from irritation. The most excellent way is only go to the professional piercer who provides all proper equipments for your piercing. So, you can prevent the irritation or infection after get pierced.
The Best Way to Heal Ear Piercings
Learn more about snake bite piercing. Stop by my site where you can find out all about spider bites piercing and what it can do for you.
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Are piercings attractive for men and women to wear, or are they merely annoying distractions from what a person's true appearance is. Nose and lip piercings are attributed a lot to the Gothic realms of society, but it is increasingly common nowadays for all members of society to don a stud somewhere on their body. In fact the more and more we venture into the time of free speech and liberation, people are beginning to run out of places to get piercings. A piercing on the ear lobe can be seen as quite classy but aside from that it is seen as a bit radical and alternative. Can these be seen as attractive?
I personally don't find any women attractive that have piercings in any other places other than on their ear lobe. For many however a tongue piercing can be particularly alluring, especially if the suitor is attractive. There are many women out there who do have a ridiculous amount of piercings, but if used in the correct way then there is definitely a market out there for piercings on women. The punk chick look is in, with the likes of soft rock singer in pink leading the way. Some piercings can promote promiscuity; a view is taken by some that if they are loose enough to mask their face with piercings then they may well be loose enough to sleep around. That is a very vague and inaccurate misconception however, because obviously what a woman has pierced says nothing about her morals and values.
Piercings are somewhat fashionable at the moment however, along with tattoos and the assumption that piercings will only become more common in modern society. This means that if more of us have piercings, then surely more of us are going to be finding people with piercings attractive. So even if there are some people who think piercings are hideous and aren't attractive to girls, we all have to acknowledge the fact that there are many girls who are attractive not only because of the way they look naturally, but the way in which they accessorize their piercings in order to look attractive. It will always divide opinion but and everybody has a different view of what is attractive so who are we to judge anybody for their taste. If they want their nipple pierced or even anywhere more radical, then that is their choice and there is someone out there who is looking just for that.
Are Piercings Attractive or a Huge Put Off?
Larry Elrod is a writer for the Seduction Road Map, a site that teaches men all over the world about how to attract women and how to get girls in bed
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The word "septum" is given to the cavity part that acts as a partition wall between two tissues or cavities. The cartilage wall between the two nostrils is called Nasal Septum. When the cartilage between the nostrils is pierced, to put up some kind of accessory within, it is called septum piercing.
Septum piercing had been in practice since time unrecorded. If a bigger sized accessory is worn in the pierced septum, it enhances the fierceness of the look. This was in vogue during early ages to bring the ferocity on the face and alert the enemies of the strength and will to win over.
The cartilaginous wall between the two nostrils is pierced through with a needle or wire made of gold or silver. The needle or the wire is always sterilized before piercing with it. Usually the septum is pierced in a width measurement of 1.6mm. In some cases the width could be more and then the piercing needs to be done with wider instruments like scalpel, etc. or as some might wish medically operated.
The nose is cleaned and disinfected before the septum is pierced. Though the procedure can be painful but if in expert's hands then the procedure is completed with no difficulty or complication.
The septum piercing takes about 2-3 weeks to dry and heal, and the slightest traction or even lightest brush could result in pain and lead to further complication. But the complete healing procedure needs around 6-8 months
Accessory Size
The pierced septum can hold the accessory according to the pierced part's width only. Usually the accessories come in 1.6mm width but again wider accessories are also available. Usually a ring or a semi-ring is worn in the hole, of varied sizes.
The after care session is more important and difficult in a septum piercing.
Recovery Ways
If some simple lifestyle rules and proper guidelines by the experts are followed then the pierced septum can heal much faster.
Like all kinds of piercing septum piercing is also risky. Improper sterilization of the piercing tool or improper disinfection of the nose before piercing could lead to serious diseases like Hepatitis and AIDS. Even further complications risk permanent deformity of the nose.
Septum Piercing Information
Sport a great septum piercing and flaunt fabulous accessories in the septum, but with great care taken before and after any kind of body piercings.
Size & Measurements
Like all other measurements, there's no universal standard for jewelry sizes. The United States uses gauge (technically called the Brown and Root system) and inches for its measurement system, whereas most everywhere else bases their measurements on millimeters and the metric system. Fortunately, you can use our handy conversion charts below when necessary.
Why is size important?
If your body jewelry is too short, it will aggravate the piercing area and cause swelling. When the body jewelry is too long, problems can occur from snagging and catching the jewelry. Most manufacturers offer widths in 1/16" increments. Since there's no universal sizing system for body jewelry, it's best to check with your local piercer to determine the proper size.
What do I need to know?
Body jewelry is measured by thickness and length. Length refers to the internal diameter for rings and the length for barbells. This can be expressed either in inches or millimeters.
- Curved Barbells: measured by the length of the shaft between the two ball
- Straight Barbells: measured by the length of the shaft between the two balls
- Labrets: measurement made on the shaft between the disc and ball
- Circular Barbells: measurement made at the largest diameter
Thickness is expressed in terms of gauge (ga) or millimeters (mm). This refers to the thickness of the ring, barbell, or shaft and it corresponds to the thickness of your piercing. When dealing with gauge, just remember, the lower the gauge value, the thicker the jewelry.
Standard Sizes for jewelry
We still recommend you consult with your piercer on your body jewelry's proper size; however, we've compiled a list of sizes frequently used in some of the common piercings.
Belly-button/ navel: Standard gauge is 14ga. Common lengths are 3/8" or 7/16".
Cartilage: Common gauges are 16 and 18ga. Common lengths are 3/8" to 5/8'.
Ear lobe: Needle piercings typically are 14 or 16 ga (eargun piercings are usually 18 or 20 gauge).
Eyebrow: Common gauges are 16 and 18ga. Common lengths are 5/16", 3/8", and 7/16".
Lip: Common gauges are 14 and 18 ga (with 14 being the most common). Common lengths are 5/16" to a half".
Nose: Standard gauge is 16 or 18ga. Common lengths are: 5/16", 3/8", 7/16", and a half."
Septum: Standard gauge is 14ga. Common lengths are: 3/8", 7/16", 1/2", and 5/8."
Tongue: Common gauges are 12 and 14 ga (with 14 being the most common). The common length for tongue barbells is 5/8."
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