Do whatever you may, but you just cannot wish away liars. They seem to be everywhere these days. It is become important nowadays to have the ability to tell if someone is lying, whatever may be your reasons, whether professional or personal. Body language has come as a great aid and helps to tell if someone is lying or not. The signals that the human body sends are vital to finding out about the qualities that a person has. Here is a list of the top signs that you need to watch for gauging the trustworthiness of someone.
1. Liars are usually known to fidget. They could be fidgeting with a pen or could be gesturing awkwardly. Experts for this reason always advice that if you want to tell if someone is lying, you should look for dramatic gestures. They are a sure fire give away that the person is not speaking the truth.
Gauging Ears
2. You just need to look into the eyes in order to tell if someone is lying. They say that eyes don't lie and it is true to a very large extent. However hard a liar may try, he or she will not be able to consistently look into your eyes while speaking to you. Their eyes will be moving in all sorts of directions, excepting in yours. You will find that liars will usually be looking towards the floor when talking. This is one sign that you need to watch out for when conversing with someone.
3. Another sign that someone is not speaking the truth is when he or she touches their mouth, nose or ears a lot. Liars usually find it difficult to control this particular reflex response. It is as if they are trying to stopping words coming out of their mouth. You can surely tell if someone is lying if you find a person touching various parts on his or her face.
Tell If Someone is Lying - 3 Signs That Help You Find Out the Truth Behind Lying
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