If you have dry hair, homemade shampoo could be the answer to having the hair of your dreams. These days there are so many scary chemicals and toxins in shampoo which are too harsh and can actually do your hair more harm than good.
The problem of having dry hair is commonly misunderstood. Sometimes people think that there is something wrong with their hair, but I say that it's the shampoo that is to blame.
Gauging Ears
Regular Shampoos are very effective at removing the dirt and odors that build up in our hair, but the trouble is they also strip out the natural oils in your hair. This leaves it too dry and therefore it can become prone to breakages and split ends.
If you are looking to overcome these problems then the best solution is to tailor your cleaning regime to suit your hair. This brings me onto what I consider the golden secret to overcoming dry hair. (Drum roll please).
Dry hair can be fixed in as little as a week or two if you just follow these 2 rules religiously: -
1) Always make both your own homemade shampoo and homemade conditioner. (When you make shampoo at home you have complete control of what you put in your hair).
2) Try using shampoo more sparingly. For example try the cleaning ritual explained below.
If you need some shampoo recipe ideas, they're all over the web and you should try as many as necessary until you find the perfect one for you.
A Homemade Shampoo Cleaning Ritual To Try
Something that's often ignored is the fact that the way you use your homemade shampoo and conditioner is probably more important than anything.
Here are some techniques for treating dry hair: -
1) Wash your hair with conditioner only. This will help prevent the stripping out of all the oil from your hair, which although sounding grim, will make your hair much stronger.
2) Before washing your hair make a protein pack and leave it in your hair for a few hours. These can be made pretty simply by combining any of the following ingredients: raw egg/mayonnaise, coconut oil, banana, avocado, & honey.
3) Dilute your shampoo with water.
4) Leave a moisturizing conditioner in your hair for a good hour or two.
Homemade Shampoo Tips For Dry Hair
For more info about homemade shampoo, please visit Homemade Shampoo - a blog brimming full of the very best homemade shampoo recipe ideas and tips related to hair care.
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