Video to show the different sizes gauges from a 16 to 7/16 - best place to buy jewelry as well as cheapest
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Gauge Sizes(Currently 7/8 Now)
Video to show the different sizes gauges from a 16 to 7/16 - best place to buy jewelry as well as cheapest
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
History Of Gospel Music
Different individuals have various definitions of gospel music. But, for those who believe, this is a way for all to come together as one, honor the times of yore, look ahead to the future, and refurbish our faith. For those who believe, gospel music is a blissful noise for the Lord. It has also been said that gospel music can stir different emotions with its lyrics and tunes; hence, there is an increasing number of gospel music audiences around the world.
But when did gospel music really start? According to some studies, the history of gospel music dates back to the 18th century. This was an era where hymns were usually lined and repeated in a call and response fashion. On the other hand, the spiritual and work songs of the African slaves came along. These slaves were prohibited from many things and were punished for offending their masters. Such situations did not hinder them from worshipping and learning to create their own worship hymns, however.
Gauging Ears
From 1900 through the 1930s, gospel music was attributed to the social changes in the United States where blacks from the South were moving to other areas of the country with their own gospel music. After this period, noted people who are attributed to gospel music's success came into the picture.
During the 30s, Thomas A. Dorsey was given credit for the crucial development of gospel music. He created songs combining shouts of praise and emotional fervor with his won contemporary style. This was mostly unwelcomed in churches. This era in the history of gospel music was named the Dorsey Era and Thomas Dorsey was named the Father of Contemporary Gospel Music.
During the 1940s, gospel ensembles and quartets sprang to life. These groups traveled all over the U.S., creating a demand for this type of music. On the other hand, the 50s brought the piano and the organ to gospel music. Some performers on this era were The Clara Ward Singers, The Staple Singers of Chicago, and Albertina Walker.
Nowadays, gospel music is still evolving. Many gospel music artists even believe that it is now coming into the mainstream and that they are to introduce gospel music to the mainstream audience.
History Of Gospel Music
Gospel Music [] provides detailed information on Gospel Music, History Of Gospel Music, Southern Gospel Music, Gospel Music Lyrics and more. Gospel Music is affiliated with Download Christian Music.
Monday, February 27, 2012
My gauging my girls sisters ears
Sunday, February 26, 2012
Gauging/Piercing Your Own Ears
Requirements: 15 Gauge Needle Lighter Peroxide Cork Piercing your ears by yourself is not that hard. It seriously doesn't hurt that bad guys... Think of it like getting a little splinter. Don't be afraid to do it. If you are chances are you will twitch or something and end up having to pierce it again. Then it will hurt.
Saturday, February 25, 2012
Buy Ear Gauges Stretching Kit Tapers with Plugs Surgical Steel Single Flared 12G,10G,8G,6G,4G Gauge Kit (15 Pack)
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$75.81 |
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$19.99 |
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$19.99 |
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$55.82>>74% |
Friday, February 24, 2012
ear stretching 12g to 10g
Soo....I bought my acrylic tapers from body jewelry source and it was super cheep ~ so thats a good place to by some. I'm stretching my ears in this video from a 12g to a 10g. I used KY Jelly as lube. Doesn't hurt. if u have any questions feel free to ask. & I know I look shitty, no make up and hair not done xx Follow!:
Thursday, February 23, 2012
Hot Deals 16 gauge Cartilage Earring-Flower BioFlex Labret Stud-Push In Style-Tragus Jewelry
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Wednesday, February 22, 2012
Running Records of Text Reading and Miscue Analysis at the Intermediate Level
A Running Record (or modified miscue analysis) is when a student reads out loud and the teacher records every error made on a duplicate copy of the text. It is an important assessment tool for several reasons:
- First, it allows the teacher to identify an appropriate reading level for the student.
- Second, it reveals how well a student is self-monitoring their reading.
- Finally, it identifies which reading strategies a student is using (or not using).
Running Records allow teachers to run an assessment-driven, differentiated program that targets the specific needs of their students.
Gauging Ears
Miscue Analysis
- Miscues are more than just "oral reading errors", but a way to understand children's existing reading strategies and to help students learn more effective new strategies.
Running Records
- A Running Record is a teacher simplification to run a miscue analysis in the busy reality of the classroom (Clay, 1985). PM Benchmarks is an example of a commercial resource that offers a graduated program of reading texts to use for running records. Although primarily designed and used with young children, a running record can provide important information for the Intermediate teacher.
Informal Reading Inventories
- Robb (2000) argues that running records are appropriate for students "who are at the emergent and beginning stages of reading" or read with poor fluency, but recommends using a reading inventory to complete a modified miscue analyis of intermediate students' oral reading.
- Informal Reading Inventories are similar to running records. They consist of graded word lists (to determine sight vocabulary - Word Recognition) and graded story passages (to determine literal and inferential comprehension - Comprehension.)
Informal Reading Inventories are typically given to all students in the fall and again in the Spring if possible to note growth and change (Cohen & Wiener, 2003). In comparison, Running Records are administered more frequently to guide instruction.
Psychologist Lev Vygotsky (Mind in Society, 1978) coined the term "zone of proximal development" as the level of difficulty between what a learner can do independently and what they can do with support.
- Students working below the zone will not learn as much because the work is too easy.
- Students working above the zone will not benefit as much because the text is too hard. "When the text is too hard, comprehension is simply impossible." (Fountas & Pinnell, 1996b, p156)
- Students working in the zone will experience the most growth because they are working at the cutting edge of their zone of learning. (Au, Carroll & Scheu, 1997)
The goal is to have students reading in the zone. A running record / miscue analysis allows us to identify what level students are reading at in order to have students reading texts that are just right.
Running Records allows teachers to make data-based decisions to guide whole-class instruction (using modeled or shared reading), small-group instruction (guided reading), and to ensure students are reading appropriately challenging texts during independent reading.Miscue analysis allows you to run a targeted and differentiated program:
- Identify particular difficulties that a student might be having. (Assessment for Learning)
- Aid in the creation of homogeneous guided reading groups. (Differentiated instruction)
- Monitor the progress of a student.
- Allow different students to move at different speeds. (Differentiated growth)
- Provides assessment and evaluation data for reporting purposes.
Both the teacher and the student have a copy of a levelled text. As the student reads out loud, the teacher makes notes on their copy of the text. Every error is recorded and a standardized set of conventions are used to record miscues. Questions are usually asked at the end to gauge comprehension. A miscue analysis should take about 10 minutes. (See appendix for instructions.)
Text samples are typically between 100 to 200 words. It is suggested that a student read from several different levels of texts: an easy text (95-100% correct), an instructional text (90-94% correct), and a hard text (80-89% correct). These three samples can provide insights into a students' strengths (using easier texts) and weaknesses (using more difficult texts) (Clay, 1985).
A miscue analysis can determine the level of text the student should be reading, whether they are self-monitoring when they read, and they kinds of decoding strategies they use.
1. Identify an appropriate reading level (Accuracy Rate)
2. Identify how well a student is self monitoring while reading (Self Correction Rate)
3. Identify which reading strategies a student is using (or not using)
- The challenge in the intermediate classroom is to build time during the literacy block to do a running record / miscue analysis. Students need to be trained to do other things to buy the teacher time to do miscue analysis or guided reading groups.
- A larger challenge is finding resources that can be used at the intermediate level. PM benchmarks can be used for students who are significantly below grade level, however, teachers may end up making their own running record texts by selecting 100-200 words from a levelled text. Finding high-interest levelled texts for intermediate students is a challenge.
- Finally, there is a learning curve associated with using this assessment tool. Accuracy in catching errors will improve over time. Clay notes that "as your ear becomes tuned-in to reading behaviours and you gain control over the recording conventions, your records will become more and more reliable." (Clay 1993, p.24 as cited in Cohen & Wiener, 2003, p 127)
If you're ready to start doing running records or miscue analysis for Intermediate Students, we're here to help at - where you'll find this information and more detailed information about how to integrate technology in the classroom.
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
Save On 100 Fish Hook Earring Wires Rhodium Wrap Ball 22 Gauge
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Monday, February 20, 2012
How to Improve Your Motorcycle's Start and Warm Up, Idling and Acceleration
After listening to years of customer complaints about their inability to cope with poor Gold Wing performance symptoms and the ruthless exploitation by many repair shops back in the Eighties, we were compelled to study the problem. In 1990, a solution was presented in writing that was handed out to my customers without any obligation on the part of the reader to buy anything. We received hundreds of thank yous from customers and those who never purchased parts from us but took time to write. Those who made the replacement based on our solution and tuned up their engines, eliminated a whole series of problems, including the burning out of head gaskets and, over the years, we received many declarations of greatly improved gas mileage and overall performance.
Gauging Ears
The Air Cut-Off Valve is an extremely important part of the fuel / air intake system that is frequently missed even by competent mechanics, most of whom are not even aware of its existence or how it functions. Over time, air cutoff valves will harden up, perforate and/or disintegrate leaving your motorcycle in a permanently lean, low RPM range (0-2200).
Most early model Honda, Kawasaki, Suzuki and Yamaha motorcycles use air cut-off valves. Every Honda CB650, CB750, CB900 and GL1000 has one, located in the air intake tube between the air cleaner box and the manifold. The GL1100 has four, located in the top air intake passage of each carburetor, and every GL1200 has one located in the plenum box below the air cleaner box similar to the GL1000.
These valves are "air blockers", along with the carburetor o-rings, serving to restrict air flow, increasing the fuel-air mixture ratio when the carb slides are in the lower RPM range, up to closed so that the machine will start and idle smoothly with virtually no choking and accelerate rapidly, with no stumble or hesitation.
When typical starting requires heavy and prolonged choking to keep the bike running, when stalling and hesitation occurs even while "warmed up" and when backfiring pops while the throttle is shut off while cruising, most people will start fooling with the air screws to try to overcome the problem, only making it worse along with reducing their gas mileage.
Running with dysfunctional air cut-off valves can cause severe engine damage or failure. When the valves are dysfunctional, the engine pulls nearly total air into the low RPM range through the carbs and on to the combustion chamber. The fuel-air ratio is extremely poor with pre-ignition long before the normal 38 to 40 degree firing point, generating an enormous amount of heat, with no power, which is trapped a longer period of time in the cylinder before the exhaust valve opens.
This heat goes mostly up through the cylinder head, gradually incinerating the head gaskets and allowing engine coolant (antifreeze) to seep into the engine. You can easily spot when you are in trouble by a puff of bluish-white or white smoke on first starting the engine. Don't leave it alone. Change the head gaskets immediately or you could take out your bottom end bearings, ruining the engine.
For those of you installing new exhaust systems, you will discolor your head pipes, either blue (lean state) or gold (rich state) if the signs are ignored. You an destain your pipes using Blueway or Blue-Off but be careful not to rub the chrome, just dab gently. These destaining compounds are usually found at a Harley dealer or Harley-oriented aftermarket shop.
Honda genuine pipes, like many Yamaha pipes, have a double wall for a portion of the head pipe which masks discoloration - but also masks a bad state of tune. Even if your pipes are original and still in good shape, don't think you're safe if your motorcycle has any or all of the dysfunctional air cut-off valve running and performing characteristics.
If your 1975 to 1987 Gold Wing is not getting 50 to 58 miles per gallon (20-23 kilometers per liter), you have one of the most obvious signs of trouble. It is likely your air screws have been backed out to try to overcome the effects of the poor running, stumbling, starting, stalling and quitting.
Refer to your Clymer, Haynes or Honda Workshop manual for location and installation procedures.
Replace your air cut-off valve/s then resynchronize all four carburetors to the #3 carburetor vacuum level using a mercury carb sync tool (carb stick) or vacuum gauge synchronizer tool. The number 3 carb is the constant fixed flow carburetor set at the factory.
DO NOT attempt to set by ear or just by guessing as the results can be anywhere from pathetic to disastrous.
DO NOT deviate from the book settings of your Honda, Clymer or Haynes manual. Wiser people than all of us designed this very effective and efficient intake and carburetion system.
To further insure against any additional vacuum loss, replace your inexpensive carburetor manifold o-rings. Vacuum loss can occur there and mimic the effect of a bad air cut-off valve. Paste a new set in with vaseline and make sure they are sealed with an ether check.
© Saber Cycle®
How to Improve Your Motorcycle's Start and Warm Up, Idling and Acceleration
Eugene Bileski represents over 46 years in the motorcycle trade as a past importer of Bridgestone, Ducati, Marusho, Norton and Yamaha motorcycles and is founder of Saber Cycle Honda Gold Wing Parts and Accessories at Honda Goldwing GL1000, GL1100 and GL1200 Air Cutoff Valves are inexpensive parts that can be found in the Carburetor and Fuel Section of our website. Find air cut-off valves for the CB650 CB750 CB900 in the Honda Crossover catalog. The carburetor synchronizing tools referred to in this article can be found in the Tools Section.
How to stretch your ears painless! Use this procedure at your own risk! FORMSPRING: TWITTER: FACEBOOK: Mark Ian
Sunday, February 19, 2012
Best cheap Hearos Ultimate Softness, 20-Pair Foam (Pack of 2)
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$18.17 |
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$9.95 |
Total Price: |
$9.95 |
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$8.22>>45% |
Saturday, February 18, 2012
ahna stretching her ears up from 6g (4mm) to 4g (5mm)
look at da' title, peepz. Only got one ear on camera.. my b.
Friday, February 17, 2012
Seth's 2 Gauge Piercing
My best friend Seth get's his ears pierced staright to a 2 gauge. Piercing done by Smitty at Big Brain Productions. Sorry for the bad quality, I used my phone.
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Ear Stretching: 9/16" to 5/8" (14mm - 16mm)
Stretching my ears from 9/16" to 5/8". ************************************** Links: Twister tunnels: My last piercing video (Posted 12-October-2009): Previous stretching video (7/16" to 1/2"):
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Entire gauging process
Gauging my ears the right way... At a tattoo parlor
Monday, February 13, 2012
Great Price The Dragon's Lure (Stud) Alchemy Gothic Earring
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Sunday, February 12, 2012
Buy Sterling Silver Endless 1.25mm x 10mm Gauge Plain Hoop Earrings
Brand: | (as of Feb 12, 2012 20:24:04 |
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$7.34 |
Our Price: |
$2.57 |
Total Price: |
$2.57 |
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$4.77>>65% |
Saturday, February 11, 2012
Kings body jewelry product review and ear update
giving my review on some tapers and tunnels from kings body and keeping you posted on my ears.
Friday, February 10, 2012
How I Take Care of My Stretched Earlobes (Gauges)
Thanks for watchinggg
Thursday, February 9, 2012
4g to 0g in one strech
coment and subscribe
Save On 9-piece ear piercing starter kit, 12 gauge
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Wednesday, February 8, 2012
Hot Deals Red Pentagram Purse
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Monday, February 6, 2012
Foods To Lower Cholesterol - Types Of Food To Eat For High Cholesterol, Revealed
If you have been asking yourself about what type of foods to lower cholesterol levels should you consume on a daily basis, I can only assume that you are taking your health very seriously. So here is the good news. There is no need to travel to the jungles of Borneo to seek out a certain, exotic food to eat for high cholesterol. Every list of foods that help to lower cholesterol can be found at your local mart.
Cholesterol reducing diets does not mean liquid diets. You can be assured that there are actually numerous choices of food to eat for high cholesterol. But it is helpful to remember that a daily consumption of cholesterol is usually recommended at or below 100 milligrams per day.
Gauging Ears
Quite obviously, it is a cumbersome task to keep track of the amount of cholesterol consumed per day, so, here is a handy tip - cholesterol is found in products of animal origin. Knowing this, you can roughly gauge the type of foods that lower your cholesterol (Nutritionists recommend writing down and keeping track of your daily intake of calories, cholesterol, etc.).
Foods to lower cholesterol - Meat, Rice, Vegetables and Potatoes
As alluded to earlier, going on a cholesterol reducing diet does not mean starving yourself of the good stuff. Take meat for example. Though cholesterol is found in products of animal origin, this does not mean you have to become a vegetarian. You can reduce cholesterol levels simply by removing the fats from meat, throwing in a couple of vegetables and stir-fry them.
"But, isn't oil bad for my cholesterol," you ask? Not vegetable oils like, canola, safflower and olive oils. But, a better alternative would be cooking sprays. You can save on fats and calories with such sprays. It would be a good idea to use cooking sprays instead of oils and they do come in a variety of flavors as well.
Rice and potatoes go great with that meat and vegetable dish but why don't you substitute white rice for brown rice? Brown rice contains more nutrients. And try yams or sweet potatoes instead of white potatoes for better nutritional value as well. While you are at it, keep an eye out on your portion size. If you really want your food to help lower cholesterol, then monitor your intake of food per serving. You can be guilty of eating too much of the right foods.
Keep consumption of red meat like beef, to about once a week. Make it a habit to eat more fish, or even shellfish. You would have probably heard that shellfish is high in cholesterol but in fact, shellfish are far less rich in cholesterol and contains less fat than red meat. Chicken makes for a good addition to foods that reduce cholesterol too (just remove the skin and fats).
When you are removing saturated fat from your diet, you are not just lowering your bad cholesterol, but you are also reducing your risk of getting diabetes, digestive disorders and even certain kinds of cancer.
Foods to lower cholesterol - Soup
So many folks underestimate the power of soup when it comes to health. Soup should really be added to the list of foods that help to lower cholesterol. It is a great example of moderating your food portions as soup is usually taken with a spoon (unless you are from certain parts of Asia where drinking soup from a bowl is a sign of respect). Minestrone soup is a good way to go. Be creative with what you add to it. You can make soup a main meal by taking it with wholegrain bread.
And when it comes to vegetables, there is no shortage of variety. Nutritionists usually recommend eating vegetables of a different variety as often as possible to extract the best possible nutritional value from them. So, look up on all the different kinds of vegetables available and add them to your list of foods. If you are ever stuck on what kind of food to eat to lower cholesterol, you will never go wrong with vegetables.
Foods to lower cholesterol - Sandwiches and Salads
Who can resist a tuna or chicken sandwich? Almost everybody loves a good sandwich and it is another fantastic addition to - food to eat for high cholesterol. What will make a good sandwich even better for health is to lay that tuna or chicken in whole grain bread. Replace regular mayonnaise with low-fat mayonnaise. Sandwiches are ideal for a low-fat meal and it is so quick and easy to make. Do not overlook its simplicity. You can create a great-tasting cholesterol reducing sandwich in as little as five minutes for all the nutritional value you can get for a day.
Salads are another fantastic addition to your diet, but you should keep in mind that regular dressing and croutons are high in fat and calories. Go for the low-fat options to reap the benefits of a salad dish. Again, add a variety of vegetables with chicken or fish. Like soups, salads can be made into a main dish.
Food to eat for high cholesterol - Fibrous Food
Here is something else to think about - recent studies have shown that we need to consume at least 35 grams of fiber a day to reduce the risk of suffering from heart disease. This proves you need to consume fiber found in certain types of foods - to reduce bad cholesterol. There are so many benefits you reap from a fiber-rich diet that it is impossible to list all of them here. But, know that grabbing an apple instead of a bag of chips is a very wise choice for someone trying to eat to lower cholesterol!
How you can get more fiber into your day
- Start your day off with whole-grain cereal topped with bananas, raisins and berries.
- Fit more vegetables into your main meals as mentioned earlier. But to gain more fiber out of vegetables, try eating them raw, microwave or steaming vegetables instead of frying them.
- Instead of juicing fruits, eat them as they are with the skin on where possible. You are extracting every bit of fiber from fruits this way. Snack on fruits instead of the usual chemically laden products. This is a great way to curb your appetite and lose weight at the same time because fiber-rich foods, such as fruits are more filling than other types of food.
- Throw in beans where you can - like into soups, salads and stews.
A powerful natural source to reduce cholesterol - Garlic
Such a common spice but yet one of the most powerful natural medicines for lowering cholesterol could already be lying about in your kitchen. Studies have been proven to show that garlic has the properties to ease the damaging effects of cholesterol on your artery walls, lower cholesterol and blood pressure, stop the growth of cancer cells, fight infections and prevent heart attacks. Add to that, garlic has been proven to stop the heart from aging.
Garlic is such a powerful source of medication for lowering cholesterol and maintaining a healthy heart that it would be silly not to include this common yet wonderful spice to your daily diet. Work garlic into soups, pastas, stews whole-wheat French bread, vegetables, etc. Sometimes the most common types of food are the best types of cure.
Foods To Lower Cholesterol - Types Of Food To Eat For High Cholesterol, Revealed
This is just a snippet of what you will discover in The 60 Day Prescription Free Cholesterol Cure. To uncover more everyday foods to lower high cholesterol effectively, visit now to get the details and your health back on track!
Nows your chance to dramatically lower your cholesterol, lead a healthier life and look and feel better without emptying your wallet on prescription drugs. Cut your risk of dying from a heart attack by half with simple, alternative but effective measures you can start implementing today! Get all the information you need about lowering your high cholesterol naturally with the The 60 Day Prescription Free Cholesterol Cure at,
Sunday, February 5, 2012
Ear Stretching, 0 gauge taper through my inner conch Here is my conch stretch from 2 gauge (6mm) to 0 gauge (8mm) using a taper. Be sure to check out our website http , we have tons of body jewelry, and all the goods you need to stretch any piercing. We carry all sizes and styles from 18 gauge to 2 inches!! Dont forget to subscribe to us, I will be posting a video of my new 00 gauge septum stretch very soon. Add us on myspace!!
Saturday, February 4, 2012
UPDATE: Trouble with 0 Gauge
Tore my ears after stretching to 0g :( New goal size: 7/16"
Friday, February 3, 2012
Cheap Dazzling Jeweled 18 gauge Cartilage Earring Stud-Cartilage Jewelry
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Thursday, February 2, 2012
How to make plugs or gauges for ears - Water Buffalo Horn w/ inlay
Here I am making some 2 gauge plugs for my ears out of Water Buffalo horn, with a beautiful abalone inlay. This same process works for a variety of sizes and materials, and I have made some great looking plugs out of bone, horn, jade, ebony, coco wood, rosewood, obsidian, etc. I'm no professional craftsman, so if anybody has any other techniques or ideas, please share them below!