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Interviewing cannot be viewed just as a two way conversation, but has to be considered as a process of social interaction. Personal interview is the most flexible tool that helps to obtain the most accurate information about the prospective candidate as the presence of the interviewer makes it hard for the respondent to report incorrectly. You might have seen some poker players have winning as a habit and not by chance. That is because of their ability to guess opponent's potential apart from their own knowledge about the game. The same applies to an effective interviewer to elicit the most appropriate information from the interviewee by gauging his potential and scope.
The ambience of an interview should facilitate the respondents to freely come out with their ideas about what they expect from the job and also what they are capable of contributing in terms of lifting the organization to greater heights. Fear generally grips freshers who may not have had exposure to such situations that decides their future. Now a days students even before completing their engineering or professional courses get placed in very good companies that offers much scope in terms of pay and career advancement. It has become statutory for these students to express themselves in the most impressive manner to capture the interest of the interviewers and to outsmart their rivals competing for the same position or capacity.
Your body language speaks volumes about the self confidence that you exude, whether you are really capable of leading and of course amiable. Pleasing personality is definitely a plus and it is a winning strategy to get noticed among the pool of prospects. Try to be as modest and dignified in your behavior and attitude but at the same time be self assured to avoid any question that falls beyond the scope of discussion or if it is aimed to puncture your ego.
Most of the stress interviews are structured in order to test the tolerance level of the prospective employees given a crisis situation and also to judge their decision making skills in such a situation. Rapid fire questions are thrown before you, wherein either you can buy some time to think before you answer, keep quiet to prove your self control or burst open and check out. Higher level management interviews are of this order as managers of the senior levels and CEO's are constantly exposed to pressure situations and they need to keep their think tank cool to keep going.
Systematic interviewing using lucid language is welcome. The session must be to the point and the respondent should not lose interest in the interview. Emotional and leading questions better be avoided. The interviewer must be a trained man who has the ability to conduct the interview in the most natural way and also should be well informed about all the possible and important aspects about the prospective candidates.
Recent trend is to ask hypothetical questions that makes the respondent to put himself in a particular situation and arrive at solutions. This probes beyond the skill sets that the respondent possess and it concentrates on the crisis management ability, presence of mind and the quick wit of individuals. Corporate companies conduct their interviews in a completely different manner. They are more concerned about the attitude, morale, soft skills, role analysis and the like. How an individual performs as a member of a team or a group and how well he can lead his team in times of crisis are a matter of concern in big corporates.
Say for instance, If you are the head of this company, what possible changes would you bring in terms of sales, marketing and production? What will be your answer! You are doomed if you not well versed with the products that are being manufactured by the firm, the kind of annual turn over that the company does, data and facts about the important sales persons, type of sales promotion and the production capacity of the firm.
Be watchful, keep your eyes and ears open for useful and relevant information that happens around you in the business circle. That might help you to grab a golden opportunity at the right time. You can consider yourself lucky if the interviewer is unbiased and on your part you have to be emotionally balanced and self confident. In a nut shell, a successful interview requires a proper design, a friendly atmosphere, a positive attitude on both sides and an unbiased and objective mind.
A Valid Interview!
Humor is a forerunner in effective methods of communication in several situations including, difficult conversations, employer-employee relations, marketing and sales, and all forms of social interactions. Humor opens closed doors of human hearts to consider ideas that would otherwise not be entertained at all. The reason is that humor interacts at the emotional level, paving the way for intellectual stimulation.
Humor also has an uncanny ability to lead to associated remembrance - a convenient method to introduce a new company name or cloth an obscure name with novelty.
People with the gift of humor have a knack of making friends in no time. The shared laughter that creates a bond between people can do the same through the media of advertisements, direct mail, telemarketing, brochures, or web sites for a new product or business. The key is, not in the liberal use of humor rather, to apply it in a sensitive and respectful way, ensuring that the receiver is not offended but tickled and the main theme remains the main theme - without being pushed into the background.
It is also important to understand that successful marketing involves the communication of truth in a fascinating way, or creating a need for a product or service. The objective is to increase the relationship base of your business. When applying humor in marketing, keep in mind the following aspects.
The audience: Men and Women react to the same situations in different ways. Marketing surveys have revealed that while men loved it women moved away from a product because they were put off by the tone of the ad. Does the line of humor lend a mean or bully image to your company? Do you think that ethnic minorities or certain groups of people would be offended by the intended humor?
Suitability to your desired end: Always keep before you the goal of your marketing campaign when selecting a humorous theme. If the theme deviates from the company image that you desire, then you should reconsider.
Type: Choose the method of introducing humor - A catchy line, cartoon theme, color or black and white, or situational humor. Keep it simple and at the level of an undercurrent. Overpowering humor can mask the purpose of the whole campaign. Sometimes people remember the funny parts while forgetting all relevant details.
Media: Choose your media of marketing according to your budget. While print and television is classic and expensive, for a small business, internet marketing through web sites and e-mail, viral marketing, and social networking are more affordable and recommended.
Humor can take your business from non-existence to becoming a household name; however humor has to be woven into the fabric of your marketing campaign, with caution and prudence. Humor for the sake of being funny can fall flat and drag your business prospects down. Also remember, repetition of funny scenes grate on the senses after a while. The best way to check effectiveness is via gauging the number of enquiries you register. In that sense try out two different campaigns and see which is received better. Only experience can gain you the right angle of approach.
How to Use Humor in Marketing
Carrie Langstroth is an Internet Marketing Success Coach. She is a retired CFO in the Corporate Business world so brings strong leadership skills in owning and operating businesses. She coaches and mentors people to empower themselves improving quality of life, personal development and financial position. Learn more about this revolutionary business that can change your life.
Is she interested in you, or are you wasting your time? Should you "chance" walking over and saying hi...or is she REALLY staring at the clock above your head every time she looks over? And are those little subtle "signs" she's offering UP that's she's digging you...or are you misreading the whole situation entirely? In this article we are going to tackle the tough terrain of how to tell a woman is interested, EVEN if she's not bold enough to come over and say a word!
Filed Under: The Bodacious Art & Science of Body Language
There is NO more misunderstood area of attracting the opposite sex than body language "reading". Many people claim to be an expert....yet very few truly know the subtle (and sexy) art and science of what REALLY to look for when gauging interest from the opposite sex.
And while men are SUPER easy to read...women tend to be far more complex, and much more coy in what they're REALLY saying, often without saying a word.
Examples of female flirting that you WON'T see in a man? (or at least I hope you won't!)
And of course, there are lots more simple ways to tell she wants to get to know you a lot better...
But the key takeaway is to pay a lot of attention, especially in social situations, to the sort of stuff she's NOT saying, even in the middle of a continuous conversation. Often, the stuff you REALLY need to know, is NOT coming out of her mouth...
Is She Interested? STOP! The #1 Way to Tell If a Woman is Interested (No More Humiliation)
Read On...for FREE Body Language Tips PROVEN to Secretly Reveal When a Woman WANTS You Bad...& How to Pick UP on the Subtle Signs That it's YOUR Time to Score! (Tips So Magically Effective, Potent and Powerful We've Been BANNED from Posting on Our Competitors Blogs!)
Conch Piercings are located within the hollow space of your ear; it is called a conch piercing because of the resemblance it has to the conch shell. Literally pierced right through the center of your ear, this is not a very popular piercing (as far as numbers go), but people who have conch piercings (and other bod mod enthusiasts) absolutely love them!
Conch Piercings go through the thick cartilage located directly in the middle of your ear. Because there is a copious amount of surrounding tissue, migration or rejection risks are nonexistent. If you are looking to begin your first foray into body piercing (outside of traditional ear lobes), this is a great piercing to start with!
Experienced and reputable piercers will not have difficulty in piercing your conch. Unlike some other ear or body piercings, there aren't any strange angles, bends, or specific equipment that must be used. The piercing is a straight shot using a simple, basic, sterile piercing needle. The Conch is one of the easiest places to get pierced.
Once you and your piercer agree that a Conch is right for you, your piercer will recommend the best jewelry - it usually is a captive bead ring for the initial piercing. And just to forewarn you, the gauge (that is, the thickness) of the jewelry might appear to be rather large. Don't be alarmed! These piercings call for jewelry of a larger girth, and it won't hurt anymore than if it was pierced with a smaller gauge. Once your piercing has healed (it will take about a year to be fully and completely healed) you can replace it with a myriad of affordable and fun jewelry. The first three to six months are very crucial in the healing process, so take good care of your ear!
Your piercer will mark your ear with a marker to denote where they think it will look best on you; once you have confirmed or rearranged the position, your piercing will happen. Clamps are usually used (all they do is secure the area from moving), and a straight piercing needle will push through on your exhale. It is a very fast procedure, and your jewelry will slide in your new hole. Once your piercer has finished securing the piercing, your ear might feel a little hot and your heart may be thumping rapidly, but that is just the adrenaline and endorphin kicking in. Enjoy it while it lasts - many people live for that thrilling feeling! The actual pain ranges from person to person, but most don't feel any pain. Like so many piercings, this one looks more painful than it actually is, so don't be nervous!
You can get more than one piercing in your Conch, and then it's called a Conch Orbital. Basically, an Orbital is two separate piercings joined together by one piece of jewelry (please see my orbital article for more information). You can also get the Conches in both ears pierced but I would suggest staggering these two piercings so as to ease the healing process. For example, for about 3 months after your piercings, you really shouldn't sleep on the ear with a pierced Conch; getting both Conches pierced simultaneously may therefore interfere with your sleeping patterns and may lead to prolong healing in both ears. Discuss with your piercer if a conch orbital is right for you - if you think you may want one in the future, alert your piercer so that they can give you a piercing in the right location.
The aftercare for the Conch is very easy - not only is this an easy piercing to get, it's easy to take care of, and it's easy to find jewelry for it! Soaking your ear in warm salt water (properly called a saline solution) is one of the best ways to assist your new piercing. The next best thing to do is NOT TOUCH your new piercing! It's very hard to do - it's a new addition to your body so you will doubtless want to play with it - but don't touch it! Human hands are covered in germs and bacteria and fidgeting with your new vulnerable piercing can lead to infection. Only touch it when you are cleaning it, and be sure your hands are clean first! Other simple tips to avoid an infection include not putting your cell phone on that ear, don't sleep on it, don't use headphones that go into your ear canal, and try to keep long hair away from it (it can wrap around the back) during the healing time (once it's healed, no big deal if your hair touches it).
Taking care of your Conch is very easy, all it takes is routine cleaning, abstaining from touching it, and common sense! Your piercer will give you a complete rundown, so pay attention. Should any problems arise, return to your piercer and they should be able to provide you with more advice or solutions. Enjoy your conch, and get ready to be the envy of many!
Conch Piercings
Do you want to know more about body piercings?...
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